[Lecture 1] Introduction to Web - HTML/CSS
- Abbreviation
- Hypertext is the text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references
to other text that the reader can immediately access.
- A markup language is a language that annotates text so that the computer can manipulate that text.
- Hyper Text Markup Language – full abbreviation of HTML
- HTML is basically used to define structure of a webpage.
- HTTP is a set of rules which defines the distribution of these hyper text, how this text is formatted,
transmitted and what actions should browsers perform in the response of these
- Document information, version 5 and 4.01
- In HTML 4.01, you have to define the set of rules in DOCTYPE tag like <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD
HTML 4.01//EN” "
http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> etc.
- HTML5 is advanced version of HTML4. Instead of writing all rules you can only define <!DOCTYPE
- Tags and a basic structure
- Various tags have different functionalities
- Browser understands these tags to decide how the things enclosed in those tags should be rendered
- Tags basic syntax, not case-sensitive
- Self-closing tags, <br />, <img />, <hr />
- Comments
- HTML Attributes: Attributes provide additional information about an element, it is always mentioned
in the starting tag, and mentioned as name=“value”
- HEAD Tag
- <title></title>
- Title is the text in the browser toolbar.
- <meta />
- <link />
- This tag is used for linking external resources like document or stylesheets etc.
- Attributes – rel, type, href
- <script />
- In this tag, we can write client side scripts or can link any external script sources with
src attribute in tag.
- Attributes – async, src, type
- <style></style>
- This tag can be used for styling HTML page.
“But generally not used.”
- Some commonly used HTML elements
- Different HTML Tags for different purposes
- div tag:
- span tag:
- a tag:
- <p> tag:
- <pre> tag:
- img tag:
- <strong> - <b> tag, <em> - <i> tag,<code> tag, <u> tag
- List tags
- OL tag - start, type attributes
- UL tag - type attribute - dsic, square, circle
- LI tag
- IFrame tag
- iFrame – Inline Frame
- Another HTML document can be embedded inside one.
“DOM of iframe is different from parent DOM.”
- Attributes – src, height, width, loading etc.
- Example
- Form tag
- Attributes: action, method
- Form child elements
- Child elements, sibling elements, parent element
- Any type of HTML element can go inside but some special ones make special sense
- <input> tag, type attribute: text, color, filet, email, number, required attribute,
- <textarea> tag
- <select>, <option> tag
- Example
- Navigator – accessed by window.navigator
- Navigator can be used to get client device information like geolocation, battery or internet
- Browser console live example
- <canvas></canvas>
- HTML element to draw graphics on web pages.
“Canvas tag can only display the graphics but you have to draw with JS.”
- Attributes – id or class, height, width
- Used for making games, animations and interactions.
- Introduction: What is CSS, Cascading Style Sheet
- Basic syntax:
- selector {property: value; property: value;}
- CSS Comments
- Including CSS
- Internal (InFile)
- External
- Cascading Priority Order:
- Inline style (inside an HTML element)
- External and internal style sheets (in the head section)
- Browser default
- CSS Selectors
- The element selector: <p>
- ID selector, class selector: #id, .class
- p.class : all p elements with class = class
- Universal selecor *{}
- Grouping CSS: using commas in between selectors
- CSS Properties
- color
- How many colors are possible for 4 bit char and int???
- HEX, rgb, rgba
- What if I give color to body of HTML???
- font
- font-family
- font-size
- font-weight
- border
- CSS Advanced selectors
- Attribute selector: A[attribute=value]
- Descendant combinator: A B: All the B selectors present in A
- Child combinator: A>B: B which are direct child of A
- General sibling combinator: A~B, selects B which are on the same level as A, but should be of one
- Adjacent sibling combinator: A+B: B adjacent to A
- Pseudo classes: :hover, :active, :visited -> not stored in HTML tree but is a state of the element
- p:nth-child(n): select all the p elements which is nth child of its parent
- Pseudo elements: ‘::’ ::first-line, ::first-letter, ::before, ::after
- Units
- Absolute Units: cm, mm, in, px (1/96th of an inch),
- rem, em
- vh, vw
- ch: relative to the width of “0”
- Box Model
- Margin, border, padding and content
- Description of border-box
- Position property
- static
- Default property of an element.
- Location properties are disabled for static property.
- Use – When you have to forcefully remove a position of an element.
- relative
- It also exhibits the default behavior but you can locate this positioned element.
- It will add into the current dimensions.
- Document will give extra space for position relative div
- absolute
- Positioned relative to last positioned ancestors.
- fixed
- Positioned relative to browser window.
- sticky
- Display property
- inline
- It is like a span element.
- block
- It is like a paragraph element. It will start to new line and cover the whole width of the
parent element.
- inline-block
- You can give dimension to a element and it is inline with rest.
- none
- Flex box
- display: flex
- flex-direction:, default value: row
- The justify-content property is used to align the flex items on the main axis
- align-items: The align-items property is used to align the flex items on the cross axis.
- Cheatsheet:
- Imports
- Importing google fonts
- @imports url media-queries;
- @font-face for importing custom fonts.
- Media query
- Media query is used for responsive web design.
- Media query comprises of optional media type(describes the general category of device) and any number
of media features with logical operators.
- Media type – all, screen, speech
- Media features – max-width, aspect-ratio, overflow etc.
- Transition and animation
- transition: transition-property transition-time transition-timing-function transition-delay
- A transition is an animation,
- Animation and keyframes
- Grid
- Semantic Ui(intro)