[Lecture 2] JavaScript and Regex
- Why JS?
- JS is similar to other programming languages with some limitations, so why JS?
- Use it as a programming Language? No, never
- History of JS:
- JS was developed as LiveScript by NetScape
- When releasing, there was a sudden hype in the popularity of Java, so they named it JS
- Even the creator of Node.js, Ryan Dahl , eventually realized the limitations of the system before
leaving to work on other projects. He was very transparent about it:
- " […] I think Node is not the best system to build a massive server web. I
- would use Go for that. And honestly, that’s the reason why I left Node.
- It was the realization that: oh, actually, this is not the best server-side
- system ever ."
- Properties of JS
- JavaScript cannot read files from or write them to the file system on the computer.
- JavaScript cannot establish any connection to whatever computer, except to download a new HTML page or to
send mail. This, too, would create unacceptable hazards
- You cannot read out the history of the browser. Thus a malicious site owner cannot write a script that finds
out where you surfed to recently
- You cannot set the value of a file upload field
- JS syntax
- Semicolon? Yes and No
- Hoisting, Closure
- Declare using let, const, var
- function run(){
- let foo=‘Foo’
- var bar=‘Bar’
- console.log(foo, bar)
- {
- let baz=‘Bazz’
- var rap=‘Rapp’
- console.log(baz, rap)
- }
- console.log(rap)
- console.log(baz)
- }
- Output
- Input
- looping
- if, else if ,else
- switch
- What is document and Document Object Model?
- Tree structure which consists objects
- When a web page loads, browser creates DOM of page
- Window -> document -> <form> -> <input>
- Node, Element, Child -> Same terminologies
- DOM Creation and Manipulation
- createElement
- createTextNode
- appendChild
- var node = document.createElement(“LI”);
- var textnode = document.createTextNode(“Water”);
- node.appendChild(textnode);
- document.getElementById(“myList”).appendChild(node);
- cloneNode
- adoptNode
- var frame = document.getElementsByTagName(“IFRAME”)[0]
- var h = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName(“H1”)[0];
- var x = document.adoptNode(h);
- importNode
- var frame = document.getElementsByTagName(“iframe”)[0]
- var h = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName(“H1”)[0];
- var x = document.importNode(h, true);
- querySelector
- getElementById,ClassName,TagName
- JS datatypes and operations
- typeOf
- String - trim, toUpper, toLower, charAt, concat, replace, search
- Number - prototype
- Operators - typeof, delete, in, void
- Statements - general JS lines
- Math - Math.round(4.5), Math.PI
- Date - new Date()
- Array
- Boolean
- Error
- RegExp /[]/i,g,m
- Global
- Conversion
- Event listeners
- Onclick
- Onchange
- Onmouseover
- Onmouseout
- Onkeydown
- Onload
- Special functionalities
- Methods string
- Indexof
- Lastindexof
- Search
- Global match flag
- HTTP request: GET, POST
- API - Toffee ki dukan
- JS sync/async
- Event Loop
- Regex
- Regular Expressions
- Special text string for describing a search pattern
- Why does one need it?
- Explain with mobile number’s example or email example.
- +91 7302202105
- 7302202105
- 917302202105
- (+91 |91)?[6-9]{1}[0-9]{9}
- Spelling
- gr[ae]y - check gray or grey
- colou?r - check color or colour
- Groups
- Capturing Group (abc) -> abc
- Character class [abc] -> a or b or c
- Backreference
- He (is|was) nice but \1 stupid
- Special Characters
- | - or in capturing group
- ^
- not in character class
- asserts the starting position in a line
- $ - asserts the ending position in a string
- . - matches any character except line terminators (\n)
- \s - Any whitespace character - (\s\t\r\n) : \S
- \w - [a-zA-Z0-9_] : \W
- \ - escape sequence
- Quantifiers
- Quantity {n} - exactly n characters
- {n, } - n or more
- ? - 0 or 1
- * - 0 or more
- + - 1 or more
- Greedy Quanitifier
- How do they work?
- .+b - aaaaaaabcd
- Lazy quantifier
- a “witch” and her “broom” is one
- “.+?” or “.++” or “.+”
- Possessive Quantifier
- Regex: “.*+” "abc"x
- Backtracking to abc", " fails to match x. Backtracking to abc, " matches ". An overall match “abc” is found.